Tando Adam Khan

Compiled By: Rtn Gangaram Shamdas Purswani (P.H.F.)
Tando Adam (Urdu: ٹنڈو آدم; Sindhi: ٽنڊو آدم) is a city in Sindh, Pakistan. It was formerly under Nawab Shah district (now known as Shaheed Benazir Abad District) until 1955 and later became part of Sanghar District. It is the 57th largest city in Pakistan. Tando Adam was founded by Mir Adam Khan Mari, which is called “cantonment” for “Tando” in Balochi. Tando Adam is known for its industries and its agriculture; crops raised nearby include sugar-cane, wheat, cotton, bananas, and mangoes. It is the 57th largest city of Pakistan by population according to the 2017 census. Imamuddin Shouqeen also belongs to this town.
A town situated in Sindh, Pakistan known as Tando Adam, this city is also recognized as Daran Jo Shehar as it consist of eight gates in different places and was located in Nawab Shah District until 1955, but later was founded in Sanghar District. Tando means “cantonment” in Balochi language. Mir Adam Khan established this city. The city was popularized for its agriculture and industries as they raise crops including sugar cane, wheat, bananas and mangoes. It also consist of numerous ancient sites even the mosques and the Hindu temples. One of the oldest temple dates to the 16th century, which now has been taken by Dr.Ziaduddin Government primary School and the famous shrine of Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai is just 16 km away from the town.
Tando Adam khan encompasses abundant industries which includes Faisal Cotton Ginning, Pressing Factory, Faisal Flour Mills, Jugnu Match, Mian Cotton Factory, Jugnu Cotton Ginning ,Cotton Seed oil Mill, Bhatti Oil Mill and almost 14 related oil mills are located in the city. The trading hub of the district is Ismail Jee. In Pakistan, Tando Adam has the biggest power loom industry. In addition to this, several paper products, cottage industries, fruit juice and cotton ginning also add up to the national exchequer. It also provides an economic centre to the District Sanghar. A textile mill and Fazal flour mill was also founded there. In 1954, Mehboob Elahi and Muhammad Sadiq Maghoon founded Textile Mill in Chiniot, but unfortunately the mill was ended in 1982. Its labour was mostly from Jatia Para.
Tando Adam consists of 20 plus Cotton Ginning factories and even a Telecommunication Industry that plays a vital role in the economic condition of the city. All the popular telecommunication companies have their franchises in the city, like Mobilink, Telenor, Warid, Zong and Ufone. Several educational institutes have also been located in Tando Adam. The city is renowned for its foodstuff mostly “Sujji” which is exported worldwide, even the famous Badayoon-e-Pera of Hafiz, which has the real taste of Badayoon in India. More over the “Lassi” of Mastana are among the few areas of expertise in the city and are renowned for its exceptionality which is hardly found anywhere in Pakistan. Since 1950, both Mastana and Hafiz are leading this business.
Tando Adam has number of ancient sites, including mosques and Hindu temples. The shrine of the poet Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai is located 18 kilometres (11 mi) from Tando Adam. Now Tando Adam has a medical college namely;’Suleman Roshan Medical College’ at Hyderabad Road near Suleman Roshan Hospital and also has a water park at green city near Hyderabad road.both are created by senator Imamuddin Shouqeen
Economic activity
The town has many emerging and established industries with Ismail jee considered the trade hub of the district. Tando Adam has the biggest power loom industry in Pakistan. There is also a pharmaceutical industry known as AHSONS DRUG company also numerous fruit juice, paper products, cotton ginning and cottage industries also contribute to the national exchequer. Tando Adam is an economic center for Sanghar District. Its labour mostly came from Bangla road, Joharabad (formerly known as Jatia Para). There are more than 20 cotton ginning factories. The telecommunication industry also plays a vital role in the economic life of Tando Adam.
Tando Adam is full of bazaars, mosques, shrines and plenty of places to eat. Notable dishes of the city include sajji special dessert barfi (known as “maawa”), Badayoon Peraa of Hafiz Sweets and lassi of Mastana are specialties known for their unique taste around the country.
Tando Adam is home to many public and private educational institutions. Public institutions include New Ali Garh Government College, Government Girls Degree College, Sir Syed Government High School, Government Shah Abdul Latif High School and Government Fatimah Jinnah Girls High School. Private educational institutions include but not limited to Progenitor high school,Al-Saeed Islamic Public School, Sir Syed Children Academy High School, Sayara Khanum High School and The City Higher Secondary School, Zindagi Foundation School . The Educators, Smart School and Bahria Foundation School and college have also joined this league in the last years.[5] The major business areas are linked with Muhammad Ali (M.A) Jinnah road. Muhammadi Chowk is the transit hub for proceeding to Hyderabad via the national highway and to Tando Allahyar.
According to census of 2017 the population of Tando Adam Khan is 457,919. In 1951, there were only 21,260 residents; by 2012, the population had increased to 223,261.[6] The area of the city is 16 square kilometres (6.2 sq mi) it means Tando Adam Protruding Total 3,954 acre. the population of Muslims is 93% Muslim, 6% Hindu, and 1% Christian. Ethnicity 70% are Sindhi, 11% are Mohajir, 10% are Punjabi, 5% are Pashtun, and 2% are Gujarati/Godhry Waly and 2% other ethnicity. Urdu speaking people, Punjabi & Gujarati/Godhry Waly arrived in the area following the 1947 partition of British India into India and Pakistan. The official language of the city is Urdu, other languages spoken include Sindhi, Siraiki, Balochi, . Pashto, Punjabi, Gujarati/Ghodhry Wali, and Marwari , Sindhi is a medium of communication..
The trendiest supermarket of the city is Dogar Cloth Store and Jaffar Dogar was the owner of the shop for almost 25 years, as he died on 19th of Feb 2013 his sons have taken the shop responsibility. Their shops have immense diversity of Sindhi traditional “Ajrak”. Muhammad Ali Jinnah Road has mostly areas of business. Via national highway, Muhammad Ali Chowk is the transit hub for proceeding to Hyderabad.
The estimated population of the city includes 92% of Muslims, 6% of Hindus and Christians are only 2% founded. . If culturally examined the town has almost 60% of Sindhi, 20% of Muhajir, 10% of Punjabi, 8% of Pashtun, and 2% are of other ethnicities. After the partition of British India into India and Pakistan in 1947, the Mahajirs and Punjabis arrived in this area. Sindhi is the official language of the city while other languages are also spoken including Balochi, Seraiki, Punjabi, Pashto and Urdu the national language of our country. Only 7000 residents were established in the city till 1947 but now the population has increased to 2 lakh by the year 2011.
It is recognized as the seventh largest city of Sindh and 21st biggest of Pakistan. It has occupied almost an area of about 16 square km. The city is also responsible for producing numerous artists, actors, vocalists and film directors. Tando Adam is mainly recognized for 3 reasons one is Raan, Sajji and Ustad Manzoor Ali Khan. As Sajji is the signature dish of the city and Ustad Manzoor is the illustrious singer from Sindh that has received of performance award from Government of Pakistan. He fused Sindhi Kaafi with classical music. He made effort on many Sindhi Ragas with highest level of expertise. He recognized as the legend of Sindhi Music History due to his services for Sindhi music. Even Ustad Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan followed his way of working in national and international level and got famous. The people of Tando Adam are proud of Ustad Manzoor Ali Khan. His Son in law born in Tando Adam known as Ustad Fateh Ali Khan has been conferred with Pride of Performance and Sitara-e- Imtiaz by the Government of Pakistan. His other Son in law, Mr. Piaro Khan has remained SDM of Tando Adam and caused so many community troubles of the city with devotion. Tando Adam is a city of harmony and it is renowned for the hafiz badaiyoon peraas, halwa poori, milk and barfi of mastana and chaat of jumman jatti. The250 meter long and 3 meters wide street of the city known as Lohar Galli is famous for its sweets and samosas and is one of the popular streets of Tando Adam.