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Compiled By: Rtn. Gangaram Shamdas Purswani (P.H.F.)

Bubak was rich, Lush and Luxuriant in the days when Sindh itself was barren. Prior to the days of barrage systems in Sindh, Bubak was the most grown and leafy quarter of Sindh.
 It was once a hub of business activities and was the third largest municipality in Sindh before partition of Pakistan and had a population of more or less 5000. This City founded on a little mound near Manchar lake was once a verdant, palmy, green and fresh township which was full of water, vegetables and above all full of life. There were numerous factories and commercial units in Bubak before independence. 

Why Bubak was Verdant When Sindh itself was barren

Sindhi people long under the influence of Hindus used to preach the Indus River AKA Sindhu darya. They used to call it Darya dadlo (The beloved river). Hence never minded putting an effort to Trap its water and think of Irrigation. Meanwhile Bubak had the Manchar lake, largest natural sweet water lake of Asia. It is Fed by more than 17 tributaries falling off Himaliyas and the water thus accumulated in Manchar was used for irrigation purpose.

Farmers never had to take much pain, they only paid a couple of visits to their lands in entire season. First when the water was low in Manchar, farmers cultivated their land. It was then totally under water after rainfall. Next, letting the water of Manchar drain as low as the level of 7 feet only, and sowing seeds in wet land in November. then they had to visit it only in the days of harvesting in April. Such Convenient was the life of farmers.

Short History of Bubak
History of Bubak too almost is as old as Sindh itself and its oldest towns like Thatta and Sehwan. It was about in 5th Hijri when an Abbasi family – descendants of Abbas a well known Muslim caliphate, with their leader Abubakr Abbasi came to live at Bubak via Baluchistan.

Origin of the name “Bubak”

The name Bubak finds its origin in three traditions.
First: Makhdoom Abubakr was among the earliest of its inhabitants, hence people came to call the town with his name i.e Abubakr jo Goth (the village of Abubakr), later A and R were omitted and it came to be called as Bubak. this tradition finds its reference in the book of Makhdoom Jaafar.

Second: in days unknown, the rivers of Bubak bore a grass which was then known as Bubak, thus Bubak came to be called as such.
Third: Muhana and Meerbhar- originally pronounced as Meer e Bahar (lord of the waters) casts used to live in majority at Buabk, they still do. These folks wear a peculiar smell (bu) on their bodies thanks to their profession of fishing, and their rough job makes their language coarse locally taken as (Bak) hence the name originated Bu+Bak= Bubak..

land Marks Of Bubak

1.Bubak known for its Hemp (Bhang) Trade
Bubak in its prime was famous for Hemp production. Figures suggest that it produced some 70 thousands of Hemp per year, which was simply largest in Sindh. The government of British India had forcefully occupied agricultural lands and farmers were to cultivate nothing but Hemp.
A godown and warehouse was built by British Government in 1908, which functioned as the storage and transportation hub of Hemp throughout the British India. While the Godown was later converted into a government boys high school by CM of Sindh Mumtaz Ali Bhutto.
Present view of once a hemp hub. Serving as an only High School in the Bubak town

2. Bubak Railway Station

If you are travelling from Dadu to Hyderabad on Indus highway, you shall find this station to your left just at a distance of four miles from Bubak. This station has seen its Prime days when Pakistan Railways used steam engines. It was a junction and was also used for carriage trains between Kotri and Larkana. Talti adjacent town and Bubak were famous for its educational Madrassas and students from far off places used this station for their journey via train.
Thousands of tons of Firewood from trees of kikar (Babul) was transported from Bubak via this station. Fresh water Fish, of all varieties, was brought from Manchar to this station via carts and was transported across the Punjab in tons. 
The beautiful station today gives a look of devastation. Wells used for watering the steam engines have eroded and not a single train halts at this station any more, just a few whistling engines pass their way.
beautiful view of Bubak railway station

3. Shahi Bazar (big bazar) and Nandhi (Small) Market

Bubak has two main bazars that are as old as the history of towns. There were numerous shops like jewelry store, goldsmiths, food stores etc. Once a Hub of trade now hold not more than a couple of dozens of shops selling basic needs of day to day life.
Bubak’s wadi bazar (Big market)
Bubak’s nandhi market (Small market)

4. Manchar lake: 

The largest natural lake of Asia. For now just sharing a couple of adorable snaps. There were some birds which lived/used to swimming in the lake. Those were very tasty. Our relations, living in Bubak. always bring these Birds as gifts (to eat) whenever visiting Hyderabad.
Boats can be seen floating on waters of Manchar lake (Bubak)
Asthetic view of an eveing at my Manchar Lake (Bubak)

6. Jamia Mosque of Bubak

This grand mosque of Bubak was built almost 150 years back by Makhdoom Fazl Abbasi. It has been rebuilt in 2003 for the third time.

7. Folk literature of Bubak Sindh

Sindh Dharti Lok Adab (Folk literature) Saa Malamal Aahe, same stands true for our Bubak. Here I would love to present some famous traditions of our Bubak , with a hope to find them in Lok Wirsa of Sindh some day. 

7(i). Bubkaii Totah (Parrots on drugs)
Drunken parrots or Bubkai Totah

Let me share with you guys a famous tradition about our town, if I have not taken it amiss, famous across the rural areas of province. Hemp crops were the favourite foods of parrots, They used to feed on seeds growing in the Hemp flowers and later kept on swinging like drunkards do when they are high. Since then if you find someone dozy you quote him high like Bubkai Totah.

7(ii). A night with two moons:
Makhdoom Najamdin Aabbasi a famous saint was well known for his wizardly powers. One night he wrote some magical spell on a saucer kind of grocery and threw it high in the skies which, to the astonishment of villagers stayed firm in the sky adjacent to the original Moon and shown with equal brightness.
night with two moons (Bubak)
7(iii). Bathing Mughal Princess

The famous saint cum sorcerer Makhdoom Najamudin had compiled his spells in a book and buried it down well. But by chance the very son of Makhdoom discovered it back and used the spells to summon a beautiful Mughal princess right from her bath in royal place. Furious at the stunt of his son, Makhdoom Najamdin burned the book of spells to ashes afterwards.

8. Famous personalities Of Bubak

Lands of Bubak have proved really rich in giving birth to following great personalities of Khudabadi Sonara Community. Members of Khudabadi Sonara Community living in Bubak belong to Bubakai Bradri.

1. Shri Aidasmal Bubakai

2. Shri Vensimal Bubakai

3. Shri Tournmal Aidasmal Purswani, 

4. Shri Chuharmal Aidasmal Purswani,

 5. Shri Lokoomal Vensimal Purswani

6. Shri Jethanad Chuharmal Purswani

7. Shri Moolchand Aidasmal Purswani

8. Shri Pritamdas Chuharmal Purswani

9. Historical Glimpse Of Bubak: Gallery
Bubak in the days Of Independence Of Pakistan
Main Market View in 1946
Bubak market in 1946

10. Aesthetic gallery of Bubak Today
Camel driven water well
heart throbbing view of Rain (Bubak)

Famous Bird (Pakhi) of Bubak.